Sara Shacket lives in Brooklyn and runs the wonderful blog Tea Happiness. The writer, blogger and tea consultant fills us in on how her own tea plants are developing. “I haven’t tried making tea from the leaves yet. The plants are still too young for plucking!”
When did you start growing your own tea at home?
I am a plant enthusiast and grow many houseplants at home. For a long time I wanted to try my hand at growing tea to see how it would go. A few years ago the guys at Great Mississippi Tea Co had some extra seeds and they offered to send me some. So I sprouted them and grew them, and now I have a bunch of plants growing in my urban garden outside, and also two plants indoors!
What is the biggest lesson you have learned from growing your own tea?
That it is NOT easy! Sprouting plants from seeds takes time, and patience. Once planted in soil the seedlings also suffered from a few pest infestations which I had to learn how to control (I eventually did!). But it’s very rewarding to see those plants grow, especially since I’ve put so much time and energy into them.
How does your own tea taste?
I haven’t tried making tea from the leaves yet. The plants are still too young for plucking! In the next year or two though, I think they should be ready.
What lesser known fact about the camellia sinensis can you share with us?
That it can grow in just about any climate, as long as it’s the right variety and has the right care.